Friends, lovers, co-conspirators, the extraordinary, the eccentrics, the famous and enigmatic. A chronicle of the creative times in Los Angeles.

043 | DJ Politik
What’s your biggest goal in life?
Make a difference.
What lessons in life did you learn the hard way?
Make time for family/friends... they may be gone tomorrow.
What is the most memorable event you’ve ever played? And the most memorable event you attended?
If it’s memorable then it prob wasn’t that fun...
Describe yourself in five words?
Turn up the fuckin’ music.

042 | Mayra Fateh & Joey W. Elgersma
What’s the most natural talent or ability you have? And what’s a talent you wish you had?
M: Mistress of organization. Joey calls me the producer of his life! I wish I could draw better.
J: Motivator, a do’er connector!! I wish I was able to speak more languages.
Where do you draw the most inspiration?
M & J: Family & traveling!
J: Youth culture, design, sports.
Whats the best advice you’ve received?
M: Love yourself!
J: Do what you love and it never feels like work!
What drives you?
M & J: Positive people with patience + interestes to talk about the wonderful things life has to offer.

041 | Cara Santana
Actress, Blogger, CEO / Founder of the Glam App
What drives you to be successful? And how do you define success?
Success to me is finding happiness and fullfilment in everything I do with integrity.
Who are your favorite designers of all time? And something about their clothes that resonates with you?
Calvin Klein – he’s classic and feminine. Alexander Wang – strong and sexy at the same time.
What’s the best advice you’ve received?
Any good quality in excess can be a detriment, so stay balanced.
Describe yourself in five words:
Independent, ambitious, silly, compassionate, outspoken.

040 | Kate Davis
DJ / Brand Consultant
What’s your biggest goal in life?
To always surround myself with people I love, respect, and am inpsired by. To travel the world getting paid to do what I love would be heaven. Hopefully I can balance that with a family of my own too.
What is your process for putting together a set?
I think about the vibe or feel I would want to hear. I put a playlist together and practice at home. I set my cues and loops and try to line up with a bit of music that everyone knows, some classics, and some more funky tracks you may not know but will like or Shazam.
What are some of your favorite deep-bin records?
A real moment in time was the paradise garage in the late 70s/early 80s. I love all the paradise garage disco records that came out of NY, that sound and what they stand for. Jamaican funk, Jungle records, Serge Gainsbouroug came of with a jamaican reggae record thats always fun. I’m a big 90’s hip hop fan too... I always find myself playing the originals that hip hop sampled too. Definitely a big deep hip hop nerd whose usually in the corner rapping all the lyrics to myself like a weirdo.
Describe yourself in five words?
Real. Compassionate. Free. Fun. Alive.

039 | Tasya van Ree
Artist / Photographer
Have you ever reinvented yourself? Personally, stylistically, philosophically?
I've always followed a natural sort of rhythm that lead me in so many different directions. I wouldn't call it reinventing myself, I would say it's life experience and the gradual accumulation of wisdom that might have appeared as a "reinvention" of sorts.
What role does social media play in your life? What aspect of your personality can't be shared online?
It's a conduit for creative expansion and exploration. I'm open to sharing all sides of me to the world!
Who are some of you favorite artists? And one thing about their work that resonates with you...
Leonor Fini. Max Ernst. Marina Abramovic. Georgia O'Keefe. Constantin Brancusi. Alexander McQueen. Jean Cocteau. Leonardo Da Vinci. Sally Mann. Henri Cartier-Bresson. Patti Smith. Etc...
Describe your art in three words:
Poetic. Profound. Precise.

038 | Courtney Trop
Personal Style Blogger
What drives you to be successful? And how do you define success?
Happiness; the moment I don't feel happy anymore the idea of me being successful goes out the door.
Who are your favorite designers of all time? And something about their clothes that resonates with you?
Chloe. I like old school Chloe especially Phoebe Philo days. I know the brand is known for being boho, but I particularly like the menswear, suiting, trousers and leisurewear. Saint Laurent from the eighties–really anything from the eighties. It's my favorite decade fashion-wise. The Row, those two women really get classic silhouettes and how to elevate something so simple. Also, I ironically enjoy how private they are.
Where do you draw the most inspiration?
I don't think I can choose one particular place. It's a combo of museums, tumblr, my followers, music, yoga and painting. Seeing shows during fashion week that make me feel something. All of the above.
Describe yourself in five words:
Chill, specific, inconvenient, happy, flexible

037 | Adrian Rodriguez
What inspired your passion for music? What does it mean to have ‘eclectic’ taste in 2016?
You have to be a pretty big asshole to not like music. There’s that saying that you can’t buy good taste…but I think people are getting really good at faking it. Nowadays eclectic taste can be curated, so having ideas and views on current culture is how I weed through the bullshit people regurgitate. It’s about personality.
How important is collaboration to creativity?
Depends on my mood. Collaboration is a discussion. You joke, agree, contend views, you learn a lot about yourself…..Sometimes you have an argument. Great things can be formed from these discussions, but sometimes I don’t want to deal with anyone. Is it just me?
What’s your idea of bliss? What’s your idea of misery?
Bliss is endless inspiration, misery is settling for less.
Are you too nice? Or are you not nice enough?
Why am I here?

036 | Tylynn Nguyen
Lingerie Designer
What is the most critical step in your creative process?
Editing the collection before it's set to be "The Collection." Everything has to flow, make you (me) feel something, and be a piece I'd want to live in.
When does being nice show strength and when does it show weakness?
I think you can be nice always. You have to know who you are, you have to stand for something. You can read bullshit a mile away. But being nice can always be how you are. Don't stoop low, stay up on your level.
Have you ever reinvented yourself? Personally, stylistically, philosophically?
I feel like I reinvented myself after I had children. I have a little girl, Lotus; she's four. And a little boy, Czar; he's one. I had to figure out how to be chic and sexy while being a mother and a business woman.
Describe yourself in five words:
Humble, loving, generous, focused, unstoppable.

035 | Josh Zad
Owner of Alfred Coffee
What drives you to be successful and how do you define success?
I want to be recognized as a creative luminary. My whole life I was trained to be a math first, finance man and Alfred Coffee has empowered me to do the complete opposite and be creative 24/7. Success is overhearing your name be mentioned in public for your work.
Can you be nice and real at the same time?
Obviously. Blessed (or cursed) with an inability to pretend or mask my feelings... so if I genuinely like someone–BAM! Nice and real is happening.
What’s the most natural talent or ability you have? And what’s a talent you wish you had?
I’m a great judge of character. I tend to always go with instinct over research/analysis. I wish I was more organized and wrote things down.
What lessons in life did you learn the hard way?
To be more thoughtful and think before I speak (my mom tells me this at least once a week.) Money comes and goes – but solid relationships can overcome anything.

034 | Pia Arrobio
Creative Director of LPA
How important is style to identity? What's the difference between fashion and costume?
Outfit vs Costume is my favorite game. Style is a reflection of my mood and always changing – it's not so much important – it just is what it is.
What role does social media play in your life?
Unfortunately it's wildly important, and just like every other aspect of my life, I have no boundaries. I'm learning that love should be more personal, as men aren't trophies.
What talent do you wish you had? What personality trait do you wish you could get rid of?
I wish I could sing! What a feeling! I need to be more quiet, but that remains as wish as it seems impossible for me to shut the fuck up.
Describe yourself in five words:
Confident, loud, crass, funny, tired.

033 | Emma Deigman
Singer / Songwriter / Caterer
What's your biggest goal in life?
To share my music and hope that it can move people and touch them the way artists have done me. Music is such an important part of my life and I feel lucky to always be able to have that. But I am also excited to see what else is going to come! Catering, family, food, love.
Who are some of your greatest musical inspirations?
Rod Stewart is one of my biggest inspirations. He was who got me singing the way I do. My dad introduced him to me when I was very little.
What comes first, melody or lyrics?
Lyrics. I started writing poetry and lyrics before I ever thought it was possible to write a melody or full song. That came after.
How much is songwriting a catharsis and how much is it a craft? How much is art and how much is commerce?
I think songwriting is definitely a personal thing for me. It has helped me get through some of the toughest and some of the best parts of my life. As soon as it becomes “work” it’s not fun or interesting to me anymore.

032 | Leonardo Lawson
Founder and CEO of Bond Creative Search
What drives you to be successful? And how do you define success?
I was taught from an early age to shoot for the stars, so I do not know any other way. Happiness is success.
What’s one lesson you learned the hard way?
Mistakes and missteps are all learning lessons.
Is being nice always appropriate, and if not, when?
Yes. Always take the high road and your intentions are most important. Good intentions shine through even in the toughest of situations. You can be firm and nice at the same time.
Describe yourself in 5 words:
Optimistic, Empathetic, Loyal, Respectful and Disciplined.

031 | David Roemer
Which photographers influenced you, and how did they influence your thinking, photographing and career path?
Initially and a long time ago, Bert Stern. The first book art lithograph I had ever purchased was a print of Marilyn. Became fascinated with the experience and process of capturing images. Secondarily, the idea of celebrity and the icon, the paradox of fantasy and disaster. The flawed and tragic hero. Photographers that captured a powerful, thoughtful twisted beauty , Helmut Newton, Richard Avedon, Chris Von Wangenheim.
What challenges your strength? How do you refuel your confidence?
My biggest strength and challenge is obsession and looking for perfection. Looking for answers that don’t exist. Refueling my confidence comes with acceptance and letting go of certain ideas, finding power in change and embracing the new.
If you could only dance to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be? And what’s one song you just can’t dance to?
Love to Love you Baby - Donna Summer I can dance to anything.
What’s your idea of bliss? What’s your idea of misery?
Being with people I love and someone I love. Misery can be the exact opposite. I try to look at misery, and bliss as both equal parts of life that ebb and flow constantly.

030 | Maria Benetos & Colleen Crivello
Co-Founders of MINIMODE
Where do you draw the most inspiration?
Most recently, from my two young daughters. Children see the world with such fresh eyes and are so curious to soak it all in; they’re not yet jaded by the world. Every day is new and filled with possibilities, and just being around them makes me feel like anything can be accomplished. They’re just these little beams of positive energy.
These days it’s the people in my life and music - I’m so inspired by the brilliant minds around me and women making major strives in various industries.
What’s one lesson you learned the hard way?
Confidence comes from within. You can not rely on another person or thing to make you feel whole. You need to figure that shit out yourself.
Going corporate - not for me.
What’s the best advice you’ve received?
Don’t be afraid to fail. It’s through failure that you grow and really learn what success means to you.
Trust your instincts - follow your heart.

029 | Cam Diamond
Creative Director
What is the most critical step to your creative process?
Walking away. With every project I take on, regardless of the industry or medium, I always take a step back. It allows time to recalibrate my brain, and also the distance makes sure when I pick it back up the initial view will tell me if I was on point or not.
What talent do you wish you had? What personality trait do you wish you could get rid of?
I remember color, sound and smell but have a terrible memory for names and written information. If I could somehow just fix that one aspect it would change my life.
When does being nice show strength and when does it show weakness?
Being nice will always win in the end. Saying that, in a place like LA it can be preyed upon and used against you. Be nice to all, but strong minded in business.
Who are some of your favorite artists? And one thing about their work that resonates with you?
Always a tough question to answer with such a broad range of emotions and time to choose from. There are a few artists that guided my path throughout my life. Mike Giant began my obsession with hand drawn typography. Utagawa Kuniyoshi's ability to tell a story within a single frame and use of patterns changed my approach to painting.

028 | Landon Ross
What drives you to be successful? And how do you define success?
A need to be involved in meaningful conversation. As for personal definitions, I’m partial to one that is holistic rather than narrowly professional: success is an achievement of well-being (not to be mistaken for mere happiness) through a well-lived and fulfilling life.
What inspires your art?
Metaphor, a naturalistic perspective, our ontological vocabulary, and a deep feeling of awe toward the universe I woke up in.
Is being nice always appropriate, and if not, when?
Be nice to people by default and provisionally. Ideologies they may hold, however, deserve no special dispensation. I try to resist the ‘paradox of tolerance,’ a term Karl Popper expressed in Open Society and its Enemies. Tolerance of intolerance is no tolerance at all. Likewise, being nice in the face of not nice is not nice.
What role does social media play in your life?
A big and utterly compartmentalized one: I use Instagram as a photo diary. I use twitter as the floor of the House of Commons. I use Snapchat as it should be used: privately. I use Facebook not at all.

027 | Melissa Brooks
Lead Singer of the Aquadolls
What's the most natural talent or ability you have? And what's a talent you wish you had?
Singing is something that has always been there for me. I've been singing since I was a baby and writing music since I was seven. I wish I was good at skateboarding. Like, pro good. I'm trying to practice more and get better.
What’s the best advice you’ve received?
Don’t ever take crap from anyone. Be yourself, and stand your ground.
What lessons in life did you learn the hard way?
I let people push me around when I was younger. I was bullied in middle school and high school for being “the weird kid” just becaues I was more next level than them. They didn’t get me, and I wish I didn’t let it bother me so much back then.
Write a haiku (5-7-5):
Sometimes I just feel
like I’m in love with the world
Smiles and kisses

026 | Wicks Walker
Film Producer / Serial Entreprenuer / Art Nut
Do nice guys always finish last?
Often they do, but they finish first in the games that really matter.
Describe yourself in five words:
Someone else should answer this.
Have you ever reinvented yourself? Personally, stylistically, philosophically?
Every week, except philosophically. That’s a constant build to the end.
What’s one mistake you learned the hard way?
Preserve all deeply meaningful relationships, even when it seems impossible.

025 | Sukki Singapora
Burlesque Artist
What’s your biggest goal in life?
To succeed in my dreams, to be the best at what I do, to inspire others along the way, and to make a real difference to every woman or man who has ever fought for their art, or freedom to express themselves, despite all manor of adversity. Fighting to legalize burlesque in Singapore and winning after four years of campaigning was one gigantic life goal, but there’s so much more to change.
What is one thing you've had to learn the hard way?
That the path to success is one heck of an emotional rollercoaster! You have to take so many punches and make so many sacrifices before you can shine. It’s been, and I’m sure will continue to be, quite a journey! An incredible one though.
What’s one song you just couldn’t dance to?
I’m going to take that as a challenge and say: I’ve yet to find something I can’t turn into a burlesque tease!
Describe yourself in five words:
Loyal, honest, bouncy, geeky, creativeworkaholic! (totally a word.)

024 | Alexandra Nechita
What inspires your art? How do you approach the blank canvas?
I've always considered my art to be a direct extension of me: my emotions, my thoughts, fears, dreams, impulses, insecurities, triumphs, and so on. However personal my work has always upheld a social consciousness and I strive for it to be informed not only by my own authentic visions but in ways function as a voice for the unheard.
Have you ever reinvented yourself? Personally, stylistically, philosophically?
The reinvention process is a never ending journey I hope. I've had periods of latency in my work and have never felt more defeated. My core ideologies remain the same, but I have seen that major life changes, particularly motherhood, have shifted my levels of adaptability and forgiveness in ways I never was capable before.
When does being nice show strength and when does it show weakness?
Being nice and kind are never signs of weakness in my eyes. Surely, growing up in an industry that loves to animate and project makes it easy to be mean. I've always lived my life with consideration for others and their feelings and often unseen battles.
Who are some of your favorite artists? And one thing about their work that resonates with you?
This is an extensive list. I do love the modernist painters, particularly Pablo Picasso. The primal and almost guttural quality of his work hits the spot. I adore Alice Neel's vulnerability. Louise Bourgeois fearlessness in exploring sexuality has always inspired me.

023 | Georgie Flores
What drives you to be successful? And how do you define success?
My parents struggled a bit when I was growing up. And I want to make them both proud. They did their best to give us everything as kids and even still now. I want to show them that their hard work paid off.
What’s one mistake you learned the hard way?
To not wait too long. I’ve spent quite a bit of time waiting for things to happen instead of changing things when they weren’t working or seeking another way to make something happen faster.
If you could learn one thing about your future, what would it be?
This is a tough one because there’s nothing I really want to know about. I’ve decided all the answers to the things I have questions for. Such as, “am I going to be in Star Wars in some way?” Well, the answer is yes! I’ve already decided.
If you could only dance to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be? And what’s one song you just can’t dance to?
Let’s Groove by Earth, Wind, and Fire. Ughh smooth jazz! No one can dance to smooth jazz.

022 | Vijat Mohindra
Which photographers influenced you, and how did they influence your thinking, photographing and career path?
My biggest influences throughout my life have been 2 incredible photographers; David Lachapelle and Miles Aldrige. I look up to these photographers in so many more ways than just my obsession with their physical pictures. I believe they have something not many photographers have in that they are able to constantly create work that is completely their point of view, without being compromised by any outside influence. I also love that they use their photography as a platform to make social and political statements, which is a step beyond most commercial photography.
What drives you to be successful? And how do you define success?
I know my purpose in life is to create art that inspires the people that see it, and I truly believe the more you inspire the world around you the greater our world will be one day. That belief is what drives me to be successful and I would define success as creating work that moves and empowers people to do great.
Who is your favorite artist?
Salvador Dali is my favorite artist and the one I connect with the most with because of my love for the surreal and unexpected.
Describe yourself in five words:
Visual, Creative, Happy, Artistic, Passionate

021 | Pierce Brown
Where do you draw the most inspiration?
The weather – I think you can find every human emotion in the wind and rain and seasons.
What’s the best advice you’ve received?
“You are a speck on a speck of dust, suspended in a sunbeam, so smile because for a moment you are alive.” -Donald Jackson riffing on Sagan
Write a haiku (5-7-5):
There was a woman
with dark eyes like stormy seas
who broke hearts and me
Describe yourself in three words:
Petrichor, Sunbeam, Elegaic

020 | Ace Harper
Singer / Songwriter / Professional Dancer
What’s your biggest goal in life?
To be happy.
How much is songwriting a catharsis and how much is it a craft? How much is art and how much is commerce?
Art in my life has always been an escape. It has always saved me. It started out as my dancing and now in my music. I think my goal is always to say something that I really care about and to love the song. Art always comes first for me. I’d rather not do it than to put something out for a shallow reason.
What comes first? Melody or lyrics?
For me lyrics come first. I come up with a song title or concept and then write down a lot of cool imagery and what I want to say. Bowie used to put words he liked in a bag then pull them out and make amazing lines full of imagery.
What’s your idea of misery? What’s your idea of bliss?
Being around fake or shallow hollywood type people. Also Donald Trump becoming President? Being in my creative mode or being on the beach with my french bulldogs.

019 | Kendall Harrison
What role does social media play in your life? What aspect of your personality can’t be shared online?
It's so ridiculously important and it drives me crazy! But I love it at the same time. I show who I really am all the time. I try to always be fully what I am no matter what.
How important is style to identity? What’s the difference between fashion and costume?
For me it’s equally as important as character. I wear what I am currently. It doesn’t have to be though. Fashion and costume are both expressive, so in that regard they are almost synonymous but fashion is inherently more genuine to you. Costume is easily removable.
What drives you to be successful? And how do you define success?
I have a lot to share with this world from inside my soul. There’s a lot riding on me that I’m okay with shouldering. As for the definition of success, you’ll have to give me some time to show its meaning.
When does being nice show strength? And when does it show weakness?
Always. Never.

018 | Devon and Sydney Carlson
Co-Founders of Wildflower Cases
What's the most natural talent or ability you have? And what's a talent you wish you had?
Socializing...I love to talk. Random conversations with strangers are my favorite. I wish I could sing. Then maybe I could make all the conversations into songs and make beautiful art.
My most natural talent would probably be being able to write/draw creatively. Just give me a piece of paper and a pencil and I’ll be busy for hours!! I wish I was maybe a little more outgoing. I tend to keep quiet and reserved...but hey I’m not as shy as I used to be!
What lessons in life did you learn the hard way?
Self respect. I used to let so many people walk all over me and I wouldn’t stand up for myself. I got to a point where I was so miserable that I was forced to stand up for myself. I’ll never let myself get to that point again.
“You have to get lost to get found” Overcoming tough times truly makes you come out stronger than you ever thought you would be. The strongest people have dealt with the hardest times and I truly believe it!
Describe yourself in 3 words:
Happy, Loving, Silly
Creative, Caring, Observant

017 | Ade Samuel
Designer / Stylist
What do you love most about styling? And what do you dislike most about it?
I love the ability to create art on people! Styling allows you to have fun with clothing. There is a freedom that comes with being a stylist and living through art. I don’t dislike anything.
Have you ever reinvented yourself? Personally, stylistically, philosophically?
No, I haven’t! However, I feel like I’ve grown tremendously and as I continue to find myself as a woman - I find that a lot of things are ever changing. Which includes my personal style and the way I think.
What’s the wisest thing you have ever heard someone say?
Ever? Well the wisest thing that has stuck with me in life is . . . ‘If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again!’ That’s my life philosophy.
What’s your biggest goal in life?
My biggest goal is to become a household name as a stylist and designer! I want to brand Ade Samuel.

016 | Sam “Adams” Corbett
Graphic Designer / Artist
Name three things you find beautiful and three things you find appalling:
Furniture, I love chairs specifically.
Homemade things, making things for people.
Late night deep convos.
People with bad taste, especially in food.
People who are close minded.
People who comment rude things via social media...what is the point?
Who are some of your favorite artists?
I’ve been obsessed with this artist David Shrigley lately. His work is very simple and silly but it always makes me laugh. I like art that is amusing and not so serious.
What makes you jealous?
Someone doing a job I know I can do better. It motivates me to work harder.
Dream dinner party guests:
The Manson family. Maybe not “dream” party guests but it would be super fascinating to get a glimpse into the insanity.

015 | Melodie Monrose
What do you love about modeling? And what's something you'd change about modeling if you could?
What I love about modeling is the endless opportunities that this job gives you. You get to meet awesome people who are creative and whom you can learn and exchange so much with. What would I change? The instability and uncertainty of the job, but at the same time if it wasn't this way I wouldn't have worked so hard to earn what I have today.
Have you ever reinvented yourself? Personally, stylistically, philosophically?
I guess I could say I have reinvented myself. I feel like coming to peace and embracing your constant evolving self is reinventing. Nothing is constant so you always have to adapt and find new ways to make things work and stay relevant, especially when you work in such a fickle industry like fashion.
Are you too nice? Or are you not nice enough?
I am definitely too nice. But the more the years go by, the better I am with this.
Describe yourself in five words:
Sassy, Stubborn, Curious, Outgoing, Caring

014 | Pietro Boselli
Model / Former Lecturer at University College London / Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering
How are you different when you’re in front of the camera versus when you’re not?
When I am in front of the camera is the only time when I proactively think about my image. It’s like having a different type of spacial awareness for a short period of time.
What role does social media play in your life? What aspect of your personality can’t be shared online?
Social media is a way to spontaneously share snapshots of your life. It should be like a small window. Even though I realize its power, I keep its presence in my life as light as possible. I think this aspect of spontaneity is actually the most difficult to convey.
What talent do you wish you had? What personality trait do you wish you could get rid of?
I love music, so I wish I had more musical talent, like being able to sing or dance really well. I think we all have good and bad sides of ourselves. The difficulty is recognizing the bad ones.
When does being nice show strength? And when does it show weakness?
I always say that what will get you furthest is kindness, more than intelligence or appearance. It is always a strength. Being kind doesn't mean being weak, it means always trying to find the best in people.

013 | Marta Pozzan
Influencer / Actress
How does your Italian background harmonize with your new Los Angeles life? What parts of you are becoming American and what parts of you will always be Italian?
I feel as an 'Italian' and I think as an 'American'. Living in LA helped me become way more pragmatic and matter of fact and that was so crucial for my job and my career. Europeans tend to be too dreamy, and not so great at business, it’s just a different mentality I guess; they know how to enjoy life.
What drives you to be successful? and how do you define success?
I'm by nature an overachiever so I'm never satisfied and content with what I have and that's a great way of being to get better at things and more successful! Success: achieving worldwide credibility and making a good living out of sincere and committed work.
Who are your favorite designers of all time? And something about their work that resonates with you?
Miu Miu: it's a brand for smart girls, period. Nothing in its designs would make you think of a sexy, provocative girl, quite the opposite instead and I love that.
Kenzo: their clothes make me think of fairy tales and futuristic creatures.
When does being nice show strength and when does it show weakness?
Being nice towards someone that's disrespecting you is wrong and a sign of weakness. Being generous and nice to a friend or a person that needs help shows strength.

012 | Blanda
What inspires your art? How do you approach the blank canvas?
It’s tricky to approach it methodically. I let inspiration come to me . . . When I am working on a creative project or collaboration with a deadline I just throw myself in and see what happens.
Who are some of your favorite artists? And one thing about their work that resonates with you:
I find myself drawn to art that I have an emotional reaction to. I want to feel it. Some of my favorites include: Ferdinand Hodler, Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Marlene Dumas, Alphonse Mucha, Margaret Kilgallen, Cy Twombly, Klimt, Frida & Diego, Jean Tinguely, Gustave Courbet, Alberto Giacometti, Alice Neel . . . the list goes on :)
What drives you to be successful? And how do you define success?
Success to me is being at ease with myself, feeling good when I wake up every morning, doing what I love for a living, being around humans I respect and care about but having time to be alone too sometimes. Growing into myself.
Dream dinner party guests:
I’d like to teleport back in time and eat pizza as my eight-year-old self with my first crush, Elliott from “E.T.

011 | Ugo Mozie
Fashion Artist
What’s the most natural talent or ability you have? And what’s a talent you wish you had?
The most natural talent I have is the ability to bring out the beauty in people. I am able to see people for how they want to be seen and the ability to bring their visions to life. One talent I wish I had was the ability to sing. I’m lowkey a rockstar in my head.
What lessons in life did you learn the hard way?
One lesson in life I learned the hard way was to not rush into relationships whether it be business or personal. And to not trust so easily.
What drives you?
I’m driven by my dreams to change the world. My family, the youth, and my legacy motivate me daily to strive higher.
Describe yourself in three words?
Faithful. Determined. Savage.

010 | Billy Walsh
Stylist / Mr. Completely
Where do you draw the most inspiration?
The 90s. Things I grew up wth that give me a nostalgic feeling. Regular working class people and what motivates them. Loyalty and Love.
What’s the best advice you’ve received?
On fourth down, punt.
What drives you?
Setting my whole family up financially. Helping my loved ones achieve their goals.
Dream dinner party guests:
Ray Kurzweil, Peter Diamandis, The Buddha, Michael Jackson, Steve Jobs, Dali Lama, Biggie . . . But really just my girlfriend, brother, mom and dad, Carlo Montagnese and Keith Richardson.

009 | Larsen Thompson
Dancer / Model / Actress
What’s your biggest goal in life?
My biggest goal in life is to walk the runway for major brands like Miu Miu, Chanel, Gucci, and much more.
If you could only dance to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
‘Needed Me’ by Rihanna.
What makes you feel most confident? What makes you feel least confident?
I am most confident when I am performing/entertaining, whether it be dance, modeling, or acting. I am least confident when I have nothing to do.
What’s one song you just couldn’t dance to?
I can’t dance to any kind of opera music.
How is modeling different for you than dancing? What role does it play in your life that dancing doesn’t?
Modeling and dancing are different in that, in modeling I express myself through my face and poses while in dancing, I express myself through movement. Modeling opens up new doors, and creates more opportunities for me.

008 | Ari Taymor
What's the most natural talent or ability you have? And what's a talent you wish you had?
I can turn sense memories into dishes. A particular smell or feeling moment in time then gets translated to the plate. I wish I could dunk a basketball.
What drives you?
To continue to find the underlying sense of connection to the universe so that the continuous torrent of everyday life flows gently underneath.
Dream dinner party guests:
Gary Snyder, Kerouac, Frida Khalo, Camus, John Muir
Write a haiku (5-7-5)
Wasting time, finding
myself–amongst the fallen
hours at my feet

007 | Kayslee Don Collins
Singer / Songwriter / Model
What role does social media play in your life? What aspect of your personality can't be shared online?
I love that people can get to know me. I try to be as authentic as I can where I know most people aren't brave enough to do that. I have breakdowns all the time. I'm an artist! Usually go M.I.A. on those days; I'm only human!
How important is style to identity? What's the difference between fashion and costume?
I feel like I’m just now finding my style, which is exciting! For the most part I like to be comfortable. For my music and the shoots I creative direct – it’s like having a bit of a costume. But it’s a specific look. That “look” has been in my head since I was a little girl. So that says a lot.
Who are some of your greatest musical inspirations? And what are you listening to right now?
Music is my life! I’ve had this amazing playlist I’ve been adding music to and it’s been a big hit. It has everything from the Shangri-las to the Eagles. I have the Ronettes, Bee Gees, Gary Wilson, Melanie, Blondie, the Cardigans, Charles Wright. The last song I added was “You Sexy Thing” by Hot Chocolate.
When does being nice show strength? And when does it show weakness?
I’d rather be nice. But people take advantage of that. Especially in Los Angeles. I’ve been really disappointed in people. But I’ll always be kind. Always.

006 | Adonis Bosso
What's the best advice you ever received?
Always work twice as hard as everyone else. It was given to me by my parent to remind me of my postition in the world as a child of Africa. To make me realize the struggle and burden that people with dark skin carry and I carry this advice in my heart everyday.
Where do you draw the most inspiration?
The things I see in the world. I find my inspiration in stimulation from visual sensorial and emotional elements that are constantly reset in the world, you just have to pay attention.
Describe yourself in three words:
Rose from ashes
What lessons in life did you learn the hard way?
People talk. No matter what you do, there is always a third eye hovering over with its opinion and suggestions but don't get lost when there is too much sauce. Believe in your own being because others will try to break you.

005 | Alana Hadid
Designer / Stylist / Collaborator
Who are some of your favorite artists? And one thing about their work that resonates with you?
Monet, Pollock, Nechita. What I love about them is life. There is something about all their work that feels alive.
What challenges your strength? How do you refuel your confidence?
The small obstacles to the big picture. The red tape surrounding an amazing project. The little things. To refuel, I try to focus on the end game, and still enjoy the journey. Its cliche but it really is about the obstacles and the triumphs.
What role does social media play in your life? What aspect of your personality can't be shared online?
A pretty large part of my life is social media. I share a lot. but I try to keep the inner workings of my relationships private.
What drives you to be successful? And how do you define success?
Success runs in my family, it's a game. But, I don’t think it’s defined the way everyone thinks. I believe it is being happy in what you do and accomplishing dreams, big and small.

004 | Jac Jagaciak
Have you ever reinvented yourself? Personally, stylistically, philosophically?
Yes. Stylistically and philosophically almost everyday. Personally, NEVER.
What role does style play in identity? What’s the difference between fashion and costume?
It plays a very small role. With fashion some can express themselves; with costume some like to hide. . .
What’s your idea of misery? What’s your idea of bliss?
Not being satisfied with who you are. Knowing what’s best for you and surrounding yourself with the right people.
What role does social media play in your life? Does your social content accurately represent who you are? What aspect of your personality can’t be shared online?
I think it plays pretty big role in everyone's life nowadays. It’s a great tool for work, but also a great platform where you can express yourself and show others who your are. All the aspects can be shared it’s just up to what we allow it to be. Illusion or reality.

003 | Nick Simmons
Musician / Writer
Where do you draw the most inspiration?
I don’t think any art can be happy, at least not entirely. If everything is fine, everything is also boring. I don’t trust happy songs. I get inspired by anything that could be called ‘beautifully macabre.’ That, and deep time – I love looking at the world through the lens of eternity: ‘SUB SPECIE AETERNITATIS.’
Dream dinner party guests:
Tom Waits, Jimmy Page, John Lee Hooker, Howlin' Wolf, Enheduanna, Neil Gaiman, Haruki Murakami, Ayaan Hirsi-Ali, JK Rowling, Mary Shelly, Stephen Hawking, David Krakauer, Robert Johnson
What drives you?
A sort of Zeho's paradox relationship with satisfaction–always approaching it, never reaching it.
Write a haiku (5-7-5):
I wonder why five
and I wonder why seven
Guess I’ll never know.

002 | Caity Lotz
What's the most natural talent or ability you have? And what's a talent you wish you had?
I was born with a pretty good athletic ability and body awareness. But other than that, I think my gift was a strong work ethic. I wasn't naturally the best at anything, but I'd bust my ass so much I'd get there. A talent I wish I had would to be an amazing singer/songwriter. It's such a beautiful way to express yourself and entertain people.
Where do you draw the most inspiration?
I think inspiration to create comes from everday life, but the only way it can manifest into anything is when I have quiet alone time to think. I have to shut off my mind for ideas to flow through. If I don't give myself this time my creative world gets stagnant. My inspiration to hustle and grow comes from people that are positive, passionate, joyful, selfless, and curious. It's amazing how a 10 minute conversation with someone like that can set my soul on fire.
What's the best advice you've received?
Someone asked me what advice my 80-year-old self would give to current me. It was such a simple question that really gave me some perspective. My take away: don't waste time not loving yourself and this funny life. I want to look back at my life and say I had fun, and I made people happy.

001 | Brandi Cyrus
VJ / DJ / Ex-Muscian / Equestrian / Fashion Influencer / I don’t even know anymore
Who are some of your favorite designers of all time? And something about their clothes that resonates with you...
Saint Laurent is my all time favorite. I've always had an edgy adrodgenous style, and YSL has always done an amazing job making rock'n'roll grunge high fasion and feminine.
What’s your idea of bliss? What’s your idea of misery?
Bliss–living in a world where I get to ride horses all day everyday and that’s all that matters. Misery– a world without horses.
What drives you to be successful? And how do you define success?
I come from a very hardworking and successful family, and that is definitely inspiring and motivating. I also know that I feel happiest when I am working and striving towards something, so I think success to me is knowing where happiness meets your purpose.
Have you ever reinvented yourself? Personally, stylistically, philosophically?
Something I love about fashion is that it's always evolving, and trends are always changing. Humans are so prone to routine and so wary of change and for me letting my style evolve plays a role in knowing myself to figure out who I am as I grow as a person.